Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello bloggers, I'm back.

Well it's been a successful 10 days since I've written anything, and you don't know how much I've missed it...Let me express a bit how much I've missed it.

I've missed writing like Peanut Butter would miss Jelly.

I've missed writing like Salt would miss Pepper.

I've missed writing like Winter would miss the Snow. (if that made sense.)

Anyways, I've missed you all a bunch.

I've realized that writing is my way of expressing myself. I don't always get everything right, but when I put it on paper I seem to say the right thing.


Well as you all can see, I've changed my background to WINTER!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't wait any longer. I've had a winter background on my computer for weeks now, and I thought it was FINALLY time to put it up on my blog.

Oh Winter, such a beautiful time of the year. Such a happy time also. Time to do some Christmas shopping, and burn the lovely Christmas scented candles in your room. It's time to start thinking about what you want to accomplish in the rest of 2010, and what will come in 2011. Oh boy! Can you believe it's almost already 2011?

I feel like I'm rambling, but you know what? I bet you all have missed my rambling....riiiight? =)

I spent this lovely Friday night with my sister. Just the 2 of us, and it was happiness. I adore my sisters, and I'm grateful God gave me many sisters, because you know the saying, "friends come and go, but sisters are forever."? Very true. They're here for everything, and they're not going anywhere. They're my true best friends.

My life....Hmm, it's going good at the moment. I've brought out my Winter coats, and scarfs, and I'm ready to tackle this VERY cold Winter that's to come.

You all know me well enough to know that I'm not very good at keeping much in. It stinks that I can be such an open book....but, I know that everything that's happening or that's going to happen in the future, God has a plan for it all. I just have to follow His plan. I have to listen to Him, and He will direct my path. Through Him anything is possible. Remember that God is your forever friend, and He'll never leave you nor forsake you.

I can see that in just the past couple months I've changed a lot, and I can see that God is changing me. He'll work everything out in His timing, and I have to trust in Him. It's scary to not be in control, and I catch myself wanting to take control often, but God knows what's best for me. After all He is the creator of the world.

Well, sleep is calling my name. I don't think any of you can actually know how amazing it is to be writing again. Even though it wasn't long, it was missed...very much.

Guess what?!?? WINTER is coming. I know I'm excited now, but just wait I'll be writing a "i hate winter" blog before you know it...I have very quick mood changes, if you haven't noticed that. ;)

Good night world. I do so love you.

.Princess in Waiting.


  1. i love the new background! I'm also super excited that you're back! :)

  2. Glad that you're back Roomie!! I've been going through withdrawls!! Lolz ^_^
