Sunday, October 31, 2010

The book of Ecclesiastes.

I want to start off that my day started out...not so good. But, it's amazing how one little thing can change your entire day, for the better. I'm now on cloud nine, with my Heavenly Daddy. I'm happy and I literally can't contain it. So, I'm going to share my happiness and joy with all of you reading this tonight.

A friend of mine told me 2 days ago to read the book of Ecclesiastes, and well 2 days later I just got around to it. I've had a very busy weekend with working and baking cookies. I'm very glad though that I set aside time tonight to read and spend time with Daddy (God.) It's been an incredible night.

...and yes I know it's Halloween, but I don't celebrate Halloween so I decided I'd spend my evening with God. Sounds like a better deal to me anyways. :)

I want to share some of my favorite verses with you all from the book of Ecclesiastes. So, grab your Bible, because there's a lot of them :)

First one, chapter 3 verses 1-8. INCREDIBLE. God is just flowing out of these verses. Please, if you don't read any of the verses I share, just take a couple seconds to read chapter 3 verses 1-8. I hope you get something amazing out of it also!

I'd say that what really stuck out to me in those 8 verses, would be verse 8.
"A time for war, and a time for peace."

There is a time for everything, and in God's timing, everything works out in His good. You just have to be willing to wait. If I wasn't willing to wait, I wouldn't be where I am today. My friend wouldn't have told me to read Ecclesiastes, because our relationship wouldn't be as good as it is, if we weren't willing to wait on God. God worked, and is still working everything out in His timing. It'll never be our timing.

Another verse would be. Chapter 7 verse 8.
"The end of the matter is better than it's beginning, and patience is better than pride."

The outcome of something will ALWAYS be better than it's beginning or even the middle of it. You just have to let God do His work, and you have to fully trust in God. He will direct your paths. You may not like what the beginning or middle holds, but I can bet you that you'll LOVE the ending. If it's God written, than it's going to be incredible!

I just want to say that, that is a verse I've looked back on for a couple months now. Literally, any time I'm having a bad day, I go back to that verse, or when my friends are having a bad day, I remind them of that verse, and so when I came across it again tonight, I had tears in my eyes. literally. God works in mysterious ways.

...okay, another verse. Would be, Chapter 7 verse 10.
"Do not say, "why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions."

Today has been a really hard day for me. A year ago today a lot was happening. A lot of good things, but also a lot of things I saw God start to change. I was just beginning to grow up a year ago. Now there are days I feel like I'm already a adult, when I'm still really just a teenager.

Today though I was looking back on memories a lot. Not a bad thing, but today I just didn't make myself think of anything else. God changes things for a reason though. And I know that my ending is better than it's beginning. :) I have no doubt in my mind. He is planning my ending, and He is planning my Love Story as I write this. I'm excited to see what all that includes, but I just have to be willing to wait for it. I can't jump to far ahead, because that's not God's plan. It just wouldn't be right.

...I hope I'm making sense right now, because it was all making sense in my head. I hope I'm explaining it well enough. :)

Last verse that really stuck out to me was, Chapter 8 verse 7.
"Since no one knows the future, who can say what is to come?"

Now, before I explain this verse...I actually got this verse from God a couple weeks ago, and came across it marked in my Bible again tonight. Weird that I have so much marked in Ecclesiastes, right? :) It makes me happy!

Now, this verse means a lot to me because people may say, "oh I know that'll happen, or I'm going to do this tomorrow." But really, you don't even know what tomorrow will hold. Only God does. He holds the future in His hands. No one else does, and no one else ever will. God holds my future. I want Him to hold my future.

God knows who I'm going to marry, or if I'll get married. Something else that seems pretty cool to me is, I don't know what I want to go to college for, or if I even want to go to college, but God already knows what my future holds. He knows what I'll be doing in 2 years. Only He does though. How cool is that?

This is my night. Completely filled with God. I want to share something with you all. I'm looking at a piece of art I made last night, and it says, "You are special." Honestly, when I made it I thought I knew who I was making it for, but God was telling me to keep it for a bit. Well while I'm looking at it tonight, I'm reminded how special I am to my Heavenly Daddy. Me personally, God knows by name. He formed me. He created me, and put me into this amazing family. I believe that piece of art is going to go up on my wall, reminding me that even if there comes a day that I'm not special to anyone, I'm special to my Heavenly Daddy. I always will be.

=) That simply makes me happy! More than happy, that makes me joyful.
Joyful...I haven't been that way in a while. It feels good to have God so close.

Well, I believe this is my writing for the night. Now, I challenge you all to do something. Read ALL of Ecclesiastes...chapter 1 through 12. You won't regret it.

Now, as I'm saying goodnight, I'm going to go spend some time with my Momma. Sometimes you just need that time with your loved ones. Tonight is one of those nights. :)

G'night world. Sleep beautifully.

.Princess in Waiting.

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