Sunday, October 31, 2010

The book of Ecclesiastes.

I want to start off that my day started out...not so good. But, it's amazing how one little thing can change your entire day, for the better. I'm now on cloud nine, with my Heavenly Daddy. I'm happy and I literally can't contain it. So, I'm going to share my happiness and joy with all of you reading this tonight.

A friend of mine told me 2 days ago to read the book of Ecclesiastes, and well 2 days later I just got around to it. I've had a very busy weekend with working and baking cookies. I'm very glad though that I set aside time tonight to read and spend time with Daddy (God.) It's been an incredible night.

...and yes I know it's Halloween, but I don't celebrate Halloween so I decided I'd spend my evening with God. Sounds like a better deal to me anyways. :)

I want to share some of my favorite verses with you all from the book of Ecclesiastes. So, grab your Bible, because there's a lot of them :)

First one, chapter 3 verses 1-8. INCREDIBLE. God is just flowing out of these verses. Please, if you don't read any of the verses I share, just take a couple seconds to read chapter 3 verses 1-8. I hope you get something amazing out of it also!

I'd say that what really stuck out to me in those 8 verses, would be verse 8.
"A time for war, and a time for peace."

There is a time for everything, and in God's timing, everything works out in His good. You just have to be willing to wait. If I wasn't willing to wait, I wouldn't be where I am today. My friend wouldn't have told me to read Ecclesiastes, because our relationship wouldn't be as good as it is, if we weren't willing to wait on God. God worked, and is still working everything out in His timing. It'll never be our timing.

Another verse would be. Chapter 7 verse 8.
"The end of the matter is better than it's beginning, and patience is better than pride."

The outcome of something will ALWAYS be better than it's beginning or even the middle of it. You just have to let God do His work, and you have to fully trust in God. He will direct your paths. You may not like what the beginning or middle holds, but I can bet you that you'll LOVE the ending. If it's God written, than it's going to be incredible!

I just want to say that, that is a verse I've looked back on for a couple months now. Literally, any time I'm having a bad day, I go back to that verse, or when my friends are having a bad day, I remind them of that verse, and so when I came across it again tonight, I had tears in my eyes. literally. God works in mysterious ways.

...okay, another verse. Would be, Chapter 7 verse 10.
"Do not say, "why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions."

Today has been a really hard day for me. A year ago today a lot was happening. A lot of good things, but also a lot of things I saw God start to change. I was just beginning to grow up a year ago. Now there are days I feel like I'm already a adult, when I'm still really just a teenager.

Today though I was looking back on memories a lot. Not a bad thing, but today I just didn't make myself think of anything else. God changes things for a reason though. And I know that my ending is better than it's beginning. :) I have no doubt in my mind. He is planning my ending, and He is planning my Love Story as I write this. I'm excited to see what all that includes, but I just have to be willing to wait for it. I can't jump to far ahead, because that's not God's plan. It just wouldn't be right.

...I hope I'm making sense right now, because it was all making sense in my head. I hope I'm explaining it well enough. :)

Last verse that really stuck out to me was, Chapter 8 verse 7.
"Since no one knows the future, who can say what is to come?"

Now, before I explain this verse...I actually got this verse from God a couple weeks ago, and came across it marked in my Bible again tonight. Weird that I have so much marked in Ecclesiastes, right? :) It makes me happy!

Now, this verse means a lot to me because people may say, "oh I know that'll happen, or I'm going to do this tomorrow." But really, you don't even know what tomorrow will hold. Only God does. He holds the future in His hands. No one else does, and no one else ever will. God holds my future. I want Him to hold my future.

God knows who I'm going to marry, or if I'll get married. Something else that seems pretty cool to me is, I don't know what I want to go to college for, or if I even want to go to college, but God already knows what my future holds. He knows what I'll be doing in 2 years. Only He does though. How cool is that?

This is my night. Completely filled with God. I want to share something with you all. I'm looking at a piece of art I made last night, and it says, "You are special." Honestly, when I made it I thought I knew who I was making it for, but God was telling me to keep it for a bit. Well while I'm looking at it tonight, I'm reminded how special I am to my Heavenly Daddy. Me personally, God knows by name. He formed me. He created me, and put me into this amazing family. I believe that piece of art is going to go up on my wall, reminding me that even if there comes a day that I'm not special to anyone, I'm special to my Heavenly Daddy. I always will be.

=) That simply makes me happy! More than happy, that makes me joyful.
Joyful...I haven't been that way in a while. It feels good to have God so close.

Well, I believe this is my writing for the night. Now, I challenge you all to do something. Read ALL of Ecclesiastes...chapter 1 through 12. You won't regret it.

Now, as I'm saying goodnight, I'm going to go spend some time with my Momma. Sometimes you just need that time with your loved ones. Tonight is one of those nights. :)

G'night world. Sleep beautifully.

.Princess in Waiting.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cookies coming out the wazoo!

Hello to all you lovely people out in the world tonight.

You know, one of the questions I ask myself almost every time I log onto my blogspot is....How many people read my blog? And where do you live? Do I have people from all over the world reading about my crazy/funny/quirky/and boring at times kind of life? That would be stinkin' amazing!

Just a thought. I always wonder who all is reading about simple old me, Grace. I find it pretty interesting.

Anyways, the point of this writing...oh yeah! I've been baking cookies for the past almost 6 hours. Crazy right? ...get this, I did most of it by myself also. Hard work I tell ya! It'll be worth it though. =) But tomorrow night I'm back to the old kitchen, because I didn't finish all my cookies tonight. It's 11pm, and this girl is TIRED! It's been a very long day, and tomorrow calls for a very long day also.

I skipped dinner tonight also...not on purpose. I'm just now eating a 11pm. wow.

So, tonight was my FIRST attempt at baking cookies from SCRATCH! It was a first and it was successful. I only burnt one tray of cookies....out of about 10 trays, well that's pretty good, I'd say. =)

I do believe I'm going to make this a yearly thing, with baking cookies for friends and family. It's fun...well kinda. And I get to bless people with my own bakings.

I made, Double chocolate chip cookies, Peanut butter cookies, and my Momma's homemade chocolate chip cookies. Sounds good right? Well be friends with me, and you'll get some =) it's just that easy.

Well I believe I'm turning in for the night...Gotta be at work in 9 hours. ugh.

Everyone out there reading about me. Thanks for taking the time to read about my night of baking cookies. It's pretty special to me.

Sweet dreams to everyone in the world.

.Princess in Waiting.

fears and inabilities.

I have fears just like everyone reading about my crazy life. There are days I don't feel like I mean all that much to anyone. I have trust issues. I wish I didn't, but I'm slowly learning how to trust again. I've met some amazing people that have taught me that trust can be gained again once it's lost. It's not going to be easy, but if you fight and never give up, it'll come around at some point.

I remember about 1 year and almost 4 months ago, I didn't want to trust anyone. I was scared to, because I've been hurt by many people in my life. I gave it another shot, because there were a couple people that were trying to come into my life, and I was scared to let them in. I did though. I'm grateful I did.

Trust is hard to build a first time, but once it's built and then lost, it's even harder, but I believe that, that is where the challenge comes in. If it's something worth fighting for, then trust will come along with you fighting. Never give up on something you believe in.

If I had given up on trusting people except for my family, I wouldn't have the amazing people in my life right now. I wouldn't have a best friend. :)

Want to know another one of my fear? Love.

I'm scared to fall in-love. I guess over the past couple days I've been thinking about it more, and I want to stay young I guess. I'm scared to say the words, "I love you." I don't know why though. They're beautiful, and lovely. They have so much meaning behind them, and why wouldn't I want to say them to one man someday? I don't know. I guess it's fear.

I know you're not suppose to live in fear, but I guess the reason I'm scared is because I only want to say those 3 words to one man in my life. What if I say them to the wrong man? I don't know.

For once, I'm writing but I'm not the one with the answers. And if you all know me at all, I like to figure things out on my own. I like to have an answer. Maybe it's just my time to wait.

I need to rely on God for this, because I don't want to be scared to say, "I love you." I want to declare it to the world, when the time comes. I want to be crazy in-love and not have a care in the world.

Is anyone else scared to love? Maybe I'm so scared because I've never been in-love. I've never experienced the kind of love most people long for. I want to though. I've never said those 3 words to a man...But I'm excited about when the time comes. I know that when the time is right, God will open up this part of me that I've never seen before. That's how I'll know it's right.

I'm excited.


.Princess in Waiting.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm here to write. everything.

I've realized that my life is pretty boring, but when I start writing it becomes a new life for me momentarily. I like it. I like the person that I become when I write.

So, I'm here to ask some questions for the night. I've also realized that even though people may be reading about my life, I'm pretty much talking to myself, but I'm okay with that. I don't mind talking to myself.

What truly is forgiveness? Is it just saying, "I'm sorry" and moving on or, it is first deep down inside, you asking for forgiveness from God, and then finding it in you to carry out that forgiveness to other people, even if they don't forgive you.

I don't feel like I'm making any sense, so moving on. =)

What is love? Is it a feeling? or is it more than that? Because you can't live on feelings. (in my opinion at least.) I believe you can fall deeply, and madly in-love with someone, but if there's not trust, what is love? Will love carry you through the hard times in your marriage, and life? Will love carry you through the times you don't have a job and you need "trust" from your husband or wife that God will provide?

I do believe that love could carry you through many things in life. I believe you have to be madly in-love with someone to ever see a future with them, but my point is that I believe trust needs to be key. Make sense? Believe me I want to someday fall madly and deeply, and crazy in-love with one man and not have a care in the world what other people think. Love is indescribable.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a strong believer in love.

I guess what I'm saying is there always has to be trust. Trust is huge to me. I'm NOT saying that love is stupid, or not worth anything.

Love is powerful, and romantic. Love is a feeling that never leaves once you find that true, final love. Love is incredible.

Now, I don't believe I've experienced this kind of love yet in my life...I'm still young, and I'm scared about this love also. I'm scared about falling head over heels for one man. Ask me why, and I'll tell you that I have no clue. I am though.

I guess I'm scared that I'll love someone and they won't love back. I don't know why though because it's not like I've been hurt before that would make me timid, and scared. Does anyone out there feel the same way I do? Or am I a loner on this one?


I'm young, and somewhat carefree still, but I realized today how much I've grow up. I've made myself grow up. I don't know why, but I'm scared to become an adult. I'm scared of the responsibilities that come with growing up. It's a scary thought isn't it? To be your own person, and no longer crawl up into your parents bed for a goodnight story. I'll be honest, when I have problems that I feel I can't concur through on my own, I still go to my Momma, and just spill it all out on her.

Just some food for thought.
Do not take life for granted. Don't take the moments you have with someone for granted. If you love them, cherish the time you have with them.

.Princess in Waiting.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello bloggers, I'm back.

Well it's been a successful 10 days since I've written anything, and you don't know how much I've missed it...Let me express a bit how much I've missed it.

I've missed writing like Peanut Butter would miss Jelly.

I've missed writing like Salt would miss Pepper.

I've missed writing like Winter would miss the Snow. (if that made sense.)

Anyways, I've missed you all a bunch.

I've realized that writing is my way of expressing myself. I don't always get everything right, but when I put it on paper I seem to say the right thing.


Well as you all can see, I've changed my background to WINTER!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't wait any longer. I've had a winter background on my computer for weeks now, and I thought it was FINALLY time to put it up on my blog.

Oh Winter, such a beautiful time of the year. Such a happy time also. Time to do some Christmas shopping, and burn the lovely Christmas scented candles in your room. It's time to start thinking about what you want to accomplish in the rest of 2010, and what will come in 2011. Oh boy! Can you believe it's almost already 2011?

I feel like I'm rambling, but you know what? I bet you all have missed my rambling....riiiight? =)

I spent this lovely Friday night with my sister. Just the 2 of us, and it was happiness. I adore my sisters, and I'm grateful God gave me many sisters, because you know the saying, "friends come and go, but sisters are forever."? Very true. They're here for everything, and they're not going anywhere. They're my true best friends.

My life....Hmm, it's going good at the moment. I've brought out my Winter coats, and scarfs, and I'm ready to tackle this VERY cold Winter that's to come.

You all know me well enough to know that I'm not very good at keeping much in. It stinks that I can be such an open book....but, I know that everything that's happening or that's going to happen in the future, God has a plan for it all. I just have to follow His plan. I have to listen to Him, and He will direct my path. Through Him anything is possible. Remember that God is your forever friend, and He'll never leave you nor forsake you.

I can see that in just the past couple months I've changed a lot, and I can see that God is changing me. He'll work everything out in His timing, and I have to trust in Him. It's scary to not be in control, and I catch myself wanting to take control often, but God knows what's best for me. After all He is the creator of the world.

Well, sleep is calling my name. I don't think any of you can actually know how amazing it is to be writing again. Even though it wasn't long, it was missed...very much.

Guess what?!?? WINTER is coming. I know I'm excited now, but just wait I'll be writing a "i hate winter" blog before you know it...I have very quick mood changes, if you haven't noticed that. ;)

Good night world. I do so love you.

.Princess in Waiting.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Goodbye for now.

To everyone reading about my life.

I will be saying goodbye for awhile, because my personal life doesn't need to be shared with the world. I'm not saying goodbye forever, because well that just wouldn't be fun. But for a little while at least.

A lot is going on in my life right now, and I'd like to keep it personal. Pray for me if you want to. But my life is my life. :)

I love you all, and am grateful you take the time to read about what's going on with me, but for right now I don't feel like writing. Shocker right? Yep.

I hope you all have a wonderful Fall season, and go out to the Corn Maze, or have a bonfire. Cherish the times you have with your friends and family because these moments aren't here forever.

Loves to all.

.Princess in Waiting.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My quaint little town.

To everyone out there that's loved, and lost.

It's been awhile since I've written, and I know I promised another blog days ago, but life gets busy, and I've had a lot on my mind lately...haven't really known how to get it to form into words for once. If anyone knows me, I'm not one to keep things in. I voice my opinion, and speak my mind...often. Not this time around though, I've been hiding myself in my Daddy (God) and relying on Him for this chapter of my life.

He's not leaving me this time. He's letting me cling to Him, and cry out to Him. My God is one awesome God.

--(side note) Is there ever a time you just CLING to your family? I believe I'm in that stage right now, where all I truly want is a night at home with my family. I adore them. These times won't be here forever, and I cherish them.

--Onto what the title of this blog means. Well, my little town is beautiful tonight. It's breath taking. It's feeling like Fall, and I finally got to bring out my winter coat the other night. Oh, Fall! I do so love you. I've started thinking about Christmas lately, and the Christmas music has been playing a couple times in my room. :)

I'm remembering back to a year ago...again. A lot can happen in a year's time. You find love, and you have loss. You make memories, and you close a chapter of your life book, while opening another. You take chances, and you follow your heart. You gain a relationship with God, and you lose friendships. You reconnect with people you never thought you'd see again, and you learn many things about yourself.

Life is going crazy for me at the moment. But I'm learning a lot about myself, and I'm growing up. I didn't ever picture my life to turn out this way, but I honestly wouldn't change a thing. I have friends that I adore, and my family is wonderful.

I'm off to worship my Jesus tonight, and enjoy this marvelous weather my Heavenly Daddy has given us, so everyone enjoy every moment you have. Enjoy the people that surround your life, and cherish it all.

--this is a short writing for the night, but my thoughts are still very much mixed up in my head. God's still working His magic, so I'll wait patiently.


Loves to all.

.Princess in Waiting.