Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How hard?

Life is changing like Fall is changing to Winter.

Life never stays the same. You're faced with challenges, and heartbreaks. You're faced with the un-known.

But, what do you do when someone you love is making a choice you feel in your heart is wrong? Do you stand back, and love them anyways? Do you remember the good times, and keep every memory safe inside your heart?

Being challenged I believe is something God does every once in awhile. He sees if you're truly listening, or willing to listen. What if you're ready to give up though? What if you feel you can't go anymore, and it would just be easier to give up?

Life never goes the way you think it will. It never goes like a perfect fairytale, that you thought about when you were younger. Things change. People change.

You can't live in fear of the un-known though. You can't be scared to live your life, because you're scared of what the outcome will be of that choice. My advice, and what I try to live by, is, what if you never get the chance? Will you regret it? If so, don't. I want to tell the people I love what I truly think. I don't want to live in the fear that I'll never get the chance. I'll live my whole life and never get the chance to voice everything I wanted to say.

Anyways, back to what I was saying. What do you do? For the person you care about, and love. Do you sit back, and watch them learn from their mistakes? What do you do?

I can pray. I know I can do that. And believe me, me and my Heavenly Daddy have many prayer times.

I can hope they'll come around. But I know one thing, you can't make someone change. They have to WANT it on their own. If they don't want it, nothing will happen. So the day they come around and say, "I want a change. I want a change in my heart." That's the day you'll SEE change. And real CHANGE.

But this person, is not someone I believe in giving up on. I believe in the power of PRAYER. And I'll always hold to that.

I don't believe in EVER giving up on someone in my life. I've seen it happen a couple times in my life, and I've made myself a promise, that I won't give up on someone. I won't back down, or tell them they are too much to handle. I don't feel like giving up on someone does anything for anyone. I want to be here for you. I want to challenge you, and see you build in Christ. I want to pray for you. I want to see you walk in TRUTH. I want to see the amazing outcome of it all. I want to see you push through the trials, and conquer the hard obstacles that you face.

I believe in you. I believe in my Heavenly Daddy, and I believe that God can make ALL things new!

How hard would it be to just say to them that you're praying for them? Not hard. It'll be harder to see them fail, and not have any support in this hard time. Tell them you'll be there. Tell them you'll walk with them, and see them on the other side of this obstacle. Tell them you care.

My dreams I feel are sometimes so off pace, but if I never get the chance to accomplish my dreams...I'll just have to make new ones.
(A quote I found the other day.)

.Princess in Waiting.

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